Not activated Gifts on account djcrysis

Before calling out / reporting someone, please manually check the results

As a general rule, check if SteamCommunity and SteamGifts are online.

Also check if user profile is not private (If it's private ask a Support Member to check it for you).

As you'll read on each section, steam API has some bugs that may result in an inaccurate non-activated detection

Games that are well-known false positives and have been whitelisted in the tool

All of these are most probably activated, you just have to check if the user owns the base game for entries that are goty, deluxe, complete, etc...

Show me those Whitelisted games/DLCs!

Games no longer in steamAPI to check

This category is similar to previous one, but the dlc (most probable case) or game (rare case) is no longer in steam API database.

Show me those games/DLCs!